Steam Survey Management System


Did you know, in an average steam-using plant, 23.9% of steam traps are either leaking significant amounts of steam or blocking condensate drainage*?

These failed traps cause considerable amounts of wasted energy and prevent steam processes from running efficiently.

TLV's vast experience of steam trap surveys and extensive knowledge of steam traps and equipment enables us to constantly pursue ways to improve the accuracy of diagnosis, to provide objective and quantitative output, and to enable our clients to continuously manage their steam traps and achieve energy savings.

Our steam trap surveys are not merely a substitute for in-house inspection work, but a professional service that generates value for your business.


"Eliminating such a large number of defective steam traps will allow us to save energy."
 We hear this from many steam users, who also find that it is more difficult than expected to put this into practice. When asked what problems and issues they had before requesting a steam trap survey, our users had this to say:

  • "There are too many traps to manage effectively"
  • "Conventional trap testing methods are unreliable"
  • "We have a rough understanding of the site situation, but have not taken measures to rectify problems"
  • "Difficult to judge the effect of trap surveys on energy savings"

Similar reasons are often given for not implementing trap management strategies.

Analyzing the failure rate of a sample of approximately 170,000 traps surveyed in Japan on a site-wide basis, the failure rate was 23.9% at the time of the first survey, but fell to 7.7% in the fourth year after implementing TLV's trap management program on a regular basis.

If you view our consulting services as not just inspections, but also as a consulting service that includes the steam trap area, then outsourcing may be an option for you


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